CSA Awareness Workshops
Evidence of Need Current Research Findings
Information taken from: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse April 2018 www.iicsa.org.uk/key-documents
Feedback from victim/survivors across the UK high highlighted the need for cultural and systemic change in regards to provision of support for adults affected by CSA. The Inquiry has consistently heard about the difficulties faced by victims and survivors seeking to access support or treatment.
Quote: Culture change must be driven by strong leadership, so the Inquiry considers that all those aspiring to senior leadership positions must be able to demonstrate their understanding about child sexual abuse.
As a local community-based support service for adults affected by non-recent Childhood Sexual Abuse we are committed to raising awareness of the prevalence and impact of CSA and preparing organisations to understand and support survivors.
Trauma Informed?
Some victim/survivors have experienced poor/re-traumatizing responses from a variety of support services within our community, it is evident that on the whole many agencies do mot have adequate training and resources to respond effectively to disclosures.

Exciting time’s for our RELEASE CIC our Peer Power team are now delivering our new Taboo Project. This is about raising Social Awareness of CSA, and delivery of networking/information sessions.
We speak out about our personal Lived Experiences of this crime and the reasons why we believe it is important to break down barriers which prevent or restrict victim/survivors from accessing support within our communities across Lancashire.
Several bodies of research has evidenced that 97% of child rape occurs within the family unit. Our service specializes primarily on supporting adults who are affected by sexual abuse inflicted by members of their own family and/or which is termed Intrafamilial.
by definition: ‘An Incest Taboo is any cultural rule or norm that prohibits sexual relations between certain members of the same family, mainly between individuals related by blood’.
Our Taboo Project Networking sessions are now being delivered in several venues/dates see our events page. We invite staff/volunteers connected to services and organizations across Lancashire to meet our team. We will give Information about our current projects & CSA Aware Workshops and explore options and choices in regards to collaborative working and referral pathways.
Workshop Aims
The aim of our awareness workshops are to equip services and organisations with a basic overview of the relevant issues around CSA. This is highly beneficial to service providers when coming into contact with adult survivors who are seeking support, as it equips them with additional specialist sexual violence sector knowledge and skills, needed have effective and empathic responses when supporting clients/beneficiaries effected by CSA. This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department

Workshop Focus
A Trauma Informed Approach…what’s it all about?
Many adult victim/survivors of CSA experience long term mental health challenges, which left un-treated can have a debilitating effect on the quality of life of the individual. As current knowledge concerning the impact of PTSD becomes more available to the general public, as well as healthcare/multi-agency professionals, it is becoming apparent that a Trauma Informed approach to supporting clients/beneficiaries is a crucial factor for service delivery across many sectors.
Some examples points for consideration:
- Regular reflective practice space for shared learning and support, available to all staff working directly with those affected by child sexual abuse.
- A policy and procedure to address the ‘secondary or vicarious trauma’ of staff,
- An awareness of actions and words that could re-traumatise a victim/survivor of child sexual abuse
As an accredited ISVA service, Trauma Informed practices are a crucial aspect of our work. We are committed providing safe support and value collaborative working, as a means to sharing our Sexual Violence sector knowledge.
Let’s get talking Lancashire…together we can provide consistent, empathic care care and responses to victim/survivors within our community.
Attendees of our CSA Awareness workshops will become familiar with, and aware of the importance of their own personal views, perceptions, attitudes and how these can impact on the support process. Our workshop trainers and peer team members who have lived experiences of CSA ,will sensitively encourage attendees to gain the ability, to respond well with clients/beneficiaries who choose to disclose their experiences.
Evidence of Need Report: Information taken from: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse April 2018 www.iicsa.org.uk/key-documents
Lack of local support: The Inquiry has consistently heard about the difficulties faced by victims and survivors seeking to access support or treatment.
The report highlighted: society must address its reluctance to discuss child sexual abuse openly and frankly to help improve its understanding. This has raised important issues about society’s reluctance to discuss child sexual abuse, which we consider must be addressed if we want institutions to better protect children from this abuse in the future.
CSA Awareness
Workshop Topics
- Definition CSA & CSE
- Myths & Messages
- Stats, Facts & Reports
- Impact & Consequences
- Barriers to Disclosures
- Trauma Informed safe support